Innovative Client Technologies Blog

Innovative Client Technologies has been serving the New York area since 2016, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tip of the Week: Keeping a Clean Computer

Tip of the Week: Keeping a Clean Computer

Computers are machines, and machines function best when they are kept clean and tidy. Therefore, to get the most return on your investment for your computer and other computing hardware, you’ll have to keep things relatively clean. Today’s blog is all about how to make sure this happens!

We’ve put together three easy tips to help you maintain a cleaner and more efficient workstation that will help you prolong the life of your device.

Prevent Dust from Accumulating

What happens when something is stationary for too long? That’s right—dust creeps in and settles on it. A computer is no different, and unless you are routinely moving your tower around, chances are it’s going to accumulate a fair amount of dust, particularly in problematic areas that could create issues with cooling. Dust tends to accumulate around entrances to the device, particularly around fans and internal components. You should make it a priority to clean your device every so often to keep the dust from damaging internal components or preventing cooling issues.

Avoid Food or Drink at the Workstation

This is more of a preventative tip in nature, but we all know how the workday gets. You get sucked into multiple tasks in a rapid span of time, and before you know it, the only way to eat your lunch is to scarf it down while parked in front of your workstation. Depending on your meal of choice, things could get messy, and you might even spill your drink on accident in your rush to get things done. You can avoid all of this by simply not eating at your computer. We know that it’s not always possible, but we urge you to make a conscious effort to avoid eating in front of your computer (and just take your lunch break—that’s what it’s there for).

Clean Out Your Keyboard Every So Often

Keyboards are one of the most vile pieces of technology we utilize on a daily basis. Imagine all of the skin particles, crumbs, dust, and other things that get stuck underneath the keys while you are going about your daily tasks. When so much of this accumulates underneath the keys, they can grow unresponsive or sticky. Be sure to tip your keyboard upside-down and gently empty the contents every so often. In some cases, you may even have to remove keys to get the thorough cleaning you need.

For more great tips and tricks, be sure to subscribe to our blog and contact us at (800) 682-4650!

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