Innovative Client Technologies Blog

Innovative Client Technologies has been serving the New York area since 2016, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

What Happens When You Rely on Untrained Employees for IT Tasks?

What Happens When You Rely on Untrained Employees for IT Tasks?

We all know that there are many nuances to managing and maintaining technology in an effective and efficient way, but who exactly is in charge of these tasks at your organization? Do you have a dedicated IT resource that you can trust to get the work done, or do you rely on your other employees to stay afloat? If it’s the latter, we have some bad news for you, as well as a silver lining to it all.

Who Manages Your Technology?

Businesses with limited resources often resort to piling additional tasks on their existing employees. It is expected, for some reason, that even your average employee has a baseline knowledge of technology, especially in today’s age of connectivity, but this is a dangerous mindset to fall into. It is assumed that this baseline is enough to handle the majority of routine IT maintenance, but the process is much more complex than it might first appear, and the more complex your infrastructure, the more likely an untrained employee could cause irreparable damage when they think they are doing good.

Furthermore, employees whose responsibilities lie elsewhere may let their poorly functioning technology get in the way of doing their actual jobs. This is especially the case when their technology is causing their productivity to sink, which in turn bleeds out into other areas of their workday. It’s better to just let professionals handle IT maintenance for your business rather than the rest of your workforce.

The problem that many small businesses encounter is that they don’t have the budget to hire in-person, full-time technicians who can handle all of the issues that a modern business might encounter; and when technology does not get the maintenance it needs, even on an irregular basis like with your current employees, even more could go wrong.

Thus, businesses are stuck in a predicament; do they forgo technology maintenance entirely, or do they pull employees away from their real jobs to make sure they have the technology to do those jobs? Actually, there is one more option available to you, so let’s explore that.

The Good News

Thankfully, even businesses with limited resources can take advantage of professional IT resources, and it’s all thanks to the ability to outsource the majority of IT support. In today’s modern computing environment, most maintenance and management can be done remotely without an on-site visit, meaning that getting the technology help you need has never been easier.

IC Tech wants to help your business overcome the challenges of technology maintenance by providing managed IT services that help your team focus on what they do best: their actual, real jobs, not taking subpar care of their technology. To learn more, reach out to us at (800) 682-4650.

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